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Anonymous Proxy: The Ultimate Guide to Online Privacy

For over a decade, internet privacy has been a topic of worldwide debate. From companies thirsty for user data to hackers looking to make a quick buck by stealing identities, there never seems to be a shortage of entities willing to infringe on your online privacy.

That's why you should take measures to protect yourself. And while many tools claim to offer top-of-the-line security, few are as versatile as anonymous proxies.

In today's blog, you will learn what an anonymous proxy server is, how it works, the process of configuring one for your device, and the benefits of doing so.

What Is an Anonymous Proxy?

An anonymous proxy is a tool designed to hide your computer's IP address as you browse the internet. Let's unpack this definition in detail.

Whenever a device, such as a laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile phone connects to the internet, it uses an IP address to send and receive information. This unique string of characters identifies every device using internet protocol to communicate.

For example, your computer's IP address could be something like this: 123.456.7.89.

These are mathematically generated numbers, the details of which are a discussion for another day. But you get the idea—your IP address is basically your online identifier; it contains information about your location and ISP.

That being said, anonymous proxies hide your IP address to various degrees, depending on the level of privacy you want. Here is a rundown of the different types differentiated based on their level of privacy:

Transparent Proxies

The lowest tier of anonymous proxies is transparent proxies. As you may have inferred from the name, these do not offer anonymity per se. Instead, they show target website users' true IP addresses and the fact that the connection is via a proxy server.

You may be asking yourself, who in the world would want to use these proxy servers? After all, their operation seems to defeat the overarching goal of anonymous proxies—to enhance online privacy.

Transparent proxies are mostly used for content filtering in public Wi-Fi networks like hotels, airports, and offices. They follow the user's browsing behavior and restrict access to specific websites.

Anonymous Proxies

Climbing up the privacy ladder, we have anonymous proxies. Unlike transparent proxies, these mask a user's IP address but leave the HTTP_VIA header, informing the target server that the connection is established through a server.

You can use anonymous proxies to circumvent location-based restrictions and hide your IP address from websites.

Elite Proxies

Elite proxies are the way to go if you want the highest level of online discretion. Unlike transparent and anonymous proxies, these will hide your true address and the fact that you are using a proxy server from the websites you visit.

By erasing your IP address from the request header, your traffic becomes identical to an actual device's. Therefore, elite proxies are ideal for situations requiring the utmost privacy, such as confidential business transactions.

How Do Anonymous Proxies Work?

You should now have an idea of anonymous proxies and their different types. Next, we will examine how these tools facilitate online privacy.

When browsing normally, your browser sends the request to target websites via your IP address. However, the data will take a different path if you route your requests through a proxy server.

Instead of sending the request directly to the target server, your device will direct it to the proxy, and depending on the type you are using, this is where the magic happens.

For transparent proxy servers, there are not many changes as these track your browsing to restrict access to specific websites.

However, when using an anonymous proxy service, the server will modify your request to change your IP address, leaving the HTTP_VIA header. An elite proxy server will make extensive header changes to ensure it is identical to normal traffic.

The proxy will then forward your request to the target host server. Believing to be communicating with the previous IP, the host will send the requested information to the proxy, which will then forward it to your device.

As you can see, when using anonymous proxy services, your device doesn't directly interact with websites. The proxy is an intermediary, facilitating data exchange between the two servers.

Benefits of Using an Anonymous Proxy

Why reroute your internet traffic through anonymous proxies? It depends on what you want to achieve, but broadly, anonymous proxy services offer an elevated browsing experience in multiple aspects. Here is how:

  • Improved privacy

Imagine a life without the internet. It's quite unnerving, right? Given how intertwined it has become with our day-to-day lives, it's only fair that you enjoy some privacy while browsing.

Anonymous proxies will give you an extra layer of confidentiality as you undertake your sensitive online tasks. Even better, you can opt for transparent, anonymous, or elite proxies, depending on the level of privacy you want.

Whether you are an academic researcher, a journalist, or a privacy enthusiast, an anonymous proxy tool is the right choice for immutable confidentiality online.

  • Bypassing geo-restrictions

Have you tried looking up a website only to be met with the message "Access Denied" or "HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden"? It can be quite frustrating.

Fortunately, anonymous proxies can easily bypass such blocks. To access the content you want, reroute your request through a proxy with IP addresses from a different area.

  • Avoiding manipulative marketing

We have all experienced the unpleasant feeling of looking up something only to see it in multiple ads not too long after. The situation can leave you uncomfortable with the notion that someone is watching your every online move.

Anonymous proxies can protect your privacy because advertisers cannot profile you based on your geographical location when you browse using multiple IP addresses. Finally, these tools will regularly clear your cookies, preventing marketers from collecting your behavioral data.

Things to Consider When Using an Anonymous Proxy

Have you made up your mind? Are you thinking of implementing anonymous proxies to enhance your browsing experience? Not so fast. Before you start contemplating the ideal anonymous proxy service, here is what you should keep in mind:

Security Risks

Before entrusting anonymous proxies with your browsing data, you must verify the source. Understandably, you may feel tempted to settle for free proxies, but this will probably be a bad call.

Hackers are known to set up free anonymous proxies infused with malware to infiltrate user devices. With access to many computers, they can create a botnet to wreak havoc on the internet.

As such, you are better off working with premium residential proxies and datacenter proxies because the price you pay guarantees top-notch privacy and security.

On top of that, premium proxy servers have dual authentication. You can choose to whitelist several IPs to be used for your connection or authenticate them with your username/password. Doing this ensures you have full control over your proxies, preventing abuse, data breaches and other potential security risks.

Connection Speed

It's not uncommon for a proxy to slow down your internet connection. However, the bottleneck is usually too minimal to significantly impact your experience.

However, if you opt for free anonymous proxies, your internet speed may grind to a halt simply because the providers may lack the infrastructure to facilitate top speeds.

Leveraging the benefits of proxy anonymity is by no means illegal. While some websites restrict the use of anonymous proxies, the question of whether they are legal or illegal depends on what you aim to achieve.

All is well when you use these tools for harmless, productive activities such as bypassing geo-blocks and boosting online privacy. However, if you engage in shady activities such as hacking and stealing user data, you will face the full force of the law.

How to Set up an Anonymous Proxy

Given the many benefits of anonymous proxies, you may be looking to use one yourself. How will you set it up in your device of choice? See below.


Here is how to set up anonymous proxies on Windows devices:

1. Select the Settings gear icon on the Start menu.

2. Select Network & Internet from the sidebar.

3. Navigate to the Proxy option.

4. Under Manual proxy setup, toggle Use proxy server to on.

5. Fill in the proxy details, i.e., address and port.

6. Ensure your current IP address is whitelisted with your proxy provider.

7. Save your settings.

By following this procedure, you will have configured your device to achieve proxy anonymity using the details you provide.


If you are using a MacOS device, here is how to configure anonymous proxies on the platform:

1. Open the Apple menu in the top left corner of your screen.

2. Select Network.

3. Select the service you use to connect to the internet, whether Wi-Fi, ethernet, or mobile data.

4. Click on the Advanced button at the bottom right section of the window.

5. Navigate to the Proxies tab.

6. Select the type of proxy you want to configure.

7. Enter the proxy details (proxy IP address and port).

8. If your anonymous proxy requires authentication, click the Proxy requires password box and enter your proxy credentials.


Setting up a proxy on a mobile device will hinge on the specific operating system and its version. Loosely speaking, here is how you go about this process on Android and iOS devices:

1. Open the Settings app.

2. Navigate to Wi-Fi or mobile network settings.

3. Find the proxy settings for the network you are using.

4. Select the Manual proxy option.

5. Enter your proxy details.

6. Authenticate the proxy server using your username and password.

These steps may vary depending on the exact device and operating system version you are using. Hence, it is best to refer to the documentation for more precise instructions.


That's a wrap! You now understand anonymous proxy servers and their benefits. Before purchasing one, verify that the service provider is legitimate and reliable. Preferably, steer clear of free offerings, as these are rarely secure; instead, opt for premium anonymous proxies from MarsProxies.

Remember to use your proxies according to the confines of the law, lest you risk repercussions such as bans and arrests. To secure browsing!


Is it legal to use anonymous proxies?

Using anonymous proxies is completely legal. Best be careful, though. You will face repercussions if you use them irresponsibly, violating the law.

Are anonymous proxies safe?

Yes. Anonymous proxies from reputable and reliable providers such as MarsProxies are generally safe. However, the same can't be said for free anonymous proxies as these tend to compromise user data and security.

What’s the difference between anonymous proxies and VPNs?

The primary difference lies in their operation. While anonymous proxies facilitate secure browsing by masking IPs, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) do so by extending a private network across a public one.

Can an anonymous proxy be traced?

It's very difficult to trace an anonymous proxy server, especially when you opt for elite proxies, which completely erase your IP information from the header.

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