Terms of Service

Version No 1.1.2. Last updated September 16, 2024.

This Comet Tech Inc. Terms of Service agreement (the “Agreement“) governs the contractual relationship between Comet Tech Inc. as a service provider and any natural or legal person as a service user.

1. General provisions and definitions

1.1. Comet Tech Inc. is a legal entity, incorporated in the Republic of Panama, registration number 155734567, address Advanced Tower Building, First floor, Ricardo Arias Street, Panama City, Republic of Panama (the “Company”/ “Us” / “We”). The Company is acting as a main service provider under the Agreement.

1.1.1. The Company may contract other persons (e.g. other group companies (if any), third party service providers) to ensure proper provision of the Services to its clients. In such cases the Company shall be considered as the main service provider.

1.2. Under this Agreement, any individual who utilizes the Company's services or systems is deemed to be a client of the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Client" or "You"). The Client can either be an individual or a legal entity represented by an individual.

1.2.1. The Company solely provides its Services to individuals who have attained the legal age of majority. You, as a natural person, as well as a user of the Company‘s Services, shall be responsible for making sure You are applicable to use the Company‘s Services.

1.2.2. The Company exclusively provides its Services to legally established legal entities. As a representative of a legal entity that is a user of the Company's Services, You are responsible for ensuring that You have obtained all necessary authorizations.

1.3. The Company offers various IP address proxy infrastructure solutions, including IP addresses for Clients to connect to the internet, as well as access to the Company’s data gathering and proxy management solutions (“Services”). These Services are accessible via the website www.marsproxies.com (referred to as the “System”).

1.3.1. A comprehensive list of the Services is available on the System.

1.3.2. The Company reserves the right to modify the list of Services at any time without prior notice to the Client.

1.3.3. The Client shall be entitled to use the particular service of the Services for which the Client has paid in full, only for the paid period.

1.3.4. The Company’s Services and System are accessible globally, with exceptions in certain regions due to regulatory restrictions. The Client shall be obligated to make sure it is legal to access System / use the Services in Client’s location.

1.4. By establishing an account within the System and engaging in the ordering, purchasing, and using of the Services in any capacity, You are expressly consenting to adhere to the terms set forth in this Agreement, as well as any additional regulations governing the Services/System. It is explicitly understood that, through the utilization of the Services/System, You affirmatively recognize that You have perused and comprehended the contents of this Agreement, thereby establishing a legally binding contractual relationship between Yourself, as a user, and the Company, functioning as a service provider.

1.5. This Agreement becomes fully effective upon Your registration within the System by creating an account, as stipulated in Clause 2 of this Agreement. The provisions of this Agreement, mutatis mutandis, are applicable to the use of the System prior to or without registration/creation of the Account, encompassing, but not limited to, the regulations delineated in the Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy.

1.6. Unless otherwise provided in other policies that apply to Your usage of Services/System (e.g Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy), violations of rules set forth in those policies and liability are regulated based on the rules of this Agreement, to the extent that liability for violations is not specifically provided for in the applicable policy.

1.7. Communication with the Company can be facilitated through various means within the System, including a popup chat box and by sending an email to [email protected]. For matters pertaining to this Agreement, it is recommended to contact the Company via email, directing inquiries to [email protected].

1.8. The Company reserves the unilateral right to modify and/or update the Agreement at its discretion without prior notice. The Client's continued use of the Services shall be construed as acceptance of the Agreement in its most recent and updated version. It is incumbent upon the Client to periodically review and evaluate the terms of the Agreement. The latest version of the Agreement is accessible at https://marsproxies.com/terms-of-service.

1.9. By consenting to this Agreement, You explicitly acknowledge and agree that the Company may process Your personal data without requiring additional consent when such processing is essential for the execution of the Agreement to which You are a party. Upon creating an account, as specified in Clause 2 of this Agreement, You grant Your permission (consent) for the processing of Your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing and advertising.

1.10. If, in any capacity or manner, You dissent from being bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, You are obligated to refrain from using or promptly discontinue Your use of the System or any of its components, features, and functionalities.

2. Creating an account

2.1. Should You desire to avail Yourself of the Services, it is imperative that You complete the registration process within the System by duly populating the designated registry form and furnishing requisite information/affirmations. The registry form is accessible at https://dashboard.marsproxies.com/register. Upon successful completion of all prescribed steps, You shall be endowed with the privilege of utilizing Your user account (hereinafter referred to as the "Account").

2.2. In the course of employing the System, the Client is required to consent to the utilization of cookies by configuring preferences or by permitting the acceptance of all cookies. The Client is obligated to peruse the terms and conditions pertaining to cookies utilized by the Company for the facilitation of Services and the proper operation of the System. The most recent iteration of the Privacy Policy, encompassing the policy on cookies, can be found at https://marsproxies.com/privacy/.

2.3. Upon submission of the registration form, the Client is obliged to furnish the following information:

2.3.1. Personal information of the Client or its representative.

2.3.2. Name of the Client.

2.3.3. Valid email address.

2.3.4. Country of residence.

2.3.5. Distinct password, generated by the Client.

2.3.6. An affirmation that the Client assents to the terms of the Agreement and the Privacy Policy of the Company.

2.3.7. An affirmation that the Client or its representative is a natural person.

2.4. It is mandatory for the Client to explicitly accept the Agreement, Privacy Policy, and any other regulations governing the Services/System, if applicable. For the seamless provision of specific Services, the Company retains the prerogative to request verification of Your identity or any provided information. All verifications shall be conducted in adherence to the rules delineated in the Privacy Policy.

2.5. The Client may be called upon to undergo a test designed to differentiate between computers and humans, which is obligatory as part of the Account creation process. Such tests may be required during the login procedure, when confirming orders/payments/withdrawals, or at any other juncture at the discretion of the Company.

2.6. It is incumbent upon the Client to consistently execute the email verification step by clicking on an active link received in the registered email.

2.7. The Company retains the right to modify, supplement, or diminish the list of requisite information for Account creation by altering, adding, or reducing the data required.

2.8. To finalize the order for Services, the Client is obligated to furnish its payment details.

2.9. The Company shall be entitled to ask You to re-submit or renew any of the data needed for the creation of the Account / ordering the Services. Such requests can be made at any time periodically or on an ad-hoc basis, upon the Company’s decision.

2.10 Upon creation of the Account, the Client affirms that the information provided to the Company is accurate, comprehensive, valid, and current. Furthermore, the Client asserts ownership of, or possesses legitimate grounds for utilizing, the specified resources. For clarity, the Client acknowledges the use of its own (or its representative's) email address, residence address, and its own bank account for Service payment.

2.10.1. By creating an Account, the Client acknowledges that the Company may utilize the provided contact information (email address, residence address, and other relevant details) for direct marketing, advertising purposes, and other forms of electronic communication. The act of creating an Account signifies the Client's consent to receive various marketing and advertising materials, including but not limited to direct marketing materials, customer satisfaction surveys, newsletters, sweepstakes, and other communications from the Company.

2.10.2. In the event that the Client disagrees with or wishes to retract consent for receiving direct marketing and advertising materials in any capacity, the Client must either: Refrain from completing the Account creation process, or Post-Account creation, withdraw consent (granted during Account creation) by clicking the "Unsubscribe" button in the email received from the Company after Account creation (or at any subsequent time, by clicking the "Unsubscribe" button provided in any other email from the Company disseminated as direct marketing and/or advertising material).

2.11. Accounts may be established for personal or business use, corresponding to a natural person or a legal entity represented by a natural person. However, the Client is prohibited from sharing login credentials with any third party or unauthorized individual. The Account is strictly for Your own use and cannot be employed to access Services on behalf of another individual or entity. You may not transfer, share, or otherwise disclose Your account details or login credentials to anyone else. Any attempt to share or transfer Your account or provide other unauthorised access the System / Services to any third party may result in immediate termination of Your account.

2.12. As a preventive security measure, the Company recommends that every Client uses the two-factor authentication identification components (2FA).

3. Suspension of the provision of Services and removing the access to the Account

3.1. In instances where the Account holder does not match the owner of the Account, or if there are any other discrepancies between the provided information, the Company might not be able to proceed with the provision of the Services. The Company reserves the right to suspend any provision of the Services (in part or in full) and/or to remove access to the Account at any time upon the decision of the Company.

3.2. In addition to the stipulations in Clause 3.1., access to the Account may be denied or removed, and Service provision may be suspended at the discretion of the Company under the following circumstances:

3.2.1. The Client breaches substantial obligations outlined in this Agreement, such as failing to fulfill payment obligations promptly for the Services ordered or violating warranties.

3.2.2. The Client does not meet the legal age requirements as per the applicable law, or the Client's representative lacks proper authorization, or the representation period has concluded without proper renewal.

3.2.3. The Client accesses Services/System from a restricted location.

3.2.4. The Client violates rules set forth in the Acceptable Use Policy, the latest version of which is accessible at https://marsproxies.com/acceptable-use-policy.

3.2.5. The Client breaches rules associated with the Affiliate program outlined in the System and Clause 7 of this Agreement.

3.2.6. The Client's actions pose security, reputational, financial, or other risks to the Company, its affiliates, any third party, the proper functioning of the System, or the appropriate provision of Services to any other individual.

3.2.7. The Client's actions contravene any applicable law or regulation, including generally accepted principles of morality.

3.3. Upon the suspension of the Client's right to access the System or utilize the Services, the Company shall provide written notice via email to the Client. This notice shall delineate the grounds for suspension, specify the duration of suspension (if indefinite, such information shall be explicitly stated), and outline any corrective measures the Client must undertake to rectify the violation, if applicable, to lift the suspension.

3.4. If the Client is afforded an opportunity to rectify the violation, the Company shall stipulate a suitable timeframe within which the Client must take corrective action. The decision to establish a timeframe, and if so, the duration thereof, rests solely with the Company.

3.5. In all instances where the Company has reasonable grounds to suspect a violation of legal statutes, the Company is entitled to approach competent law enforcement authorities. If the suspicions are validated, the Company may, at its sole discretion, impose a lifetime ban or any other determined period of restriction on the Client found to be at fault from utilizing the Services.

4. License to access and use the System

4.1. Pursuant to this Agreement, the Company hereby grants You a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-assignable, fixed-term license to use the Company materials exclusively in connection with Your use of the System and Services. No other right or license, express or implied, of any kind is granted to you hereunder with respect to the Services and/or System. The Service / System, used pursuant to this Agreement is licensed, not sold, and you receive no title to or ownership of any copy, or of the Service / System itself. You might need to order and pay for a certain Service / System package to use the Service / System and be granted the limited license. Explicitly, the Client acknowledges its comprehension that the duration and extent of the granted license are inherently linked to the Services procured/paid for by the Client.

4.2. You receive no rights to the Service / System other than those specifically granted in Section 4.1. Company and/or Company’s licensors retain all right, title and interest in and to the Services and (or) System and any portion thereof. All rights are reserved unless otherwise explicitly expressed. MarsProxies is a protected trademark, owned by MarsProxies companies and you are forbidden from registration, adoption, or any other use of trademarks, trade names, symbols, or signs that are either identical or confusingly similar to any trademarks owned by MarsProxies.

4.3. The System is designed for research, personal use, Your own legitimate use (including commercial use), while strictly adhering to all applicable laws and regulations, and rules outlined in this Agreement.

4.4. The usage of Company materials is confined to the purposes stipulated in this Agreement, and this license automatically terminates upon Your discontinuation of System or Services utilization or upon the termination of this Agreement.

4.5. The Company retains the right to discontinue support for the System, either in its entirety or in part, or any functionality thereof, at any juncture and for any duration. In such an event, the Client's license to use the System shall be automatically suspended and (or) terminated.

4.6. Unless expressly indicated otherwise, the Company possesses the intellectual property rights in the Services / System and its contents. The Client explicitly acknowledges that all intellectual rights, encompassing but not limited to infographics, data, reports, specifications, and any other materials in any medium prepared or developed by the Company in connection with the Services / System, are the exclusive property of the Company.

4.7. The Client undertakes not to infringe upon any intellectual rights owned or sought to be protected by the Company and pledges to use such intellectual property exclusively for intended purposes. This encompasses copyrighted and protected materials, resources, and the Company's logos and trademarks. Specifically, the Client shall refrain from:

4.7.1. Republishing material from the System unless separately authorized by the Company (e.g., as specified in Clauses 7.4-7.5).

4.7.2. Selling, renting, or sublicensing material from the System unless separately authorized by the Company.

4.7.3. Displaying any material from the System in public.

4.7.4. Reproducing, duplicating, copying, or otherwise exploiting material on the System for commercial purposes.

4.7.5. Redistributing material from the System.

4.7.6. Editing or otherwise modifying any material on the System.

4.7.7. Using the System in a manner that causes, or may cause, damage to the System or impairs the availability or accessibility of the System.

4.8. The terms and conditions of this Agreement, including those pertaining to the license, are applicable to all versions of the System, as well as any separate functionalities and/or their derivatives.

5. Risks

5.1. As a Client, You expressly acknowledge, understand, and accept the inherent risks associated with the utilization of the System and Services. We strongly advise you to analyze the possible risks associated with your use of the Services/System, comprehensively comprehend these risks before availing Yourself of the Services, and to refrain from any use in case You are not sure such use is safe or will not cause harm to you or any third party. The Company explicitly disclaims any responsibility for the conduct of its users and/or visitors when they access or use the Services/System. Without limitation to the subsequent examples, You acknowledge Your awareness of the following inherent risks outlined herein and hereinafter:

5.1.1. Risk of Software or IT Weaknesses: There is no guarantee or warranty that the processes involving the System and/or Services will be uninterrupted or free from errors. You acknowledge the inherent risk that the software, associated technologies, and theories may contain weaknesses, vulnerabilities, or bugs.

5.1.2. Regulatory risk: It is conceivable that certain legal systems may enforce existing regulations or introduce new regulations that could adversely affect the current configuration of the System, as well as the usage of the System and/or Services. While the Company commits to adhere to and comply with all forms of applicable regulations, it is the Client's responsibility to ensure that their usage of the System/Services aligns with the applicable law.

5.1.3. Risk of Theft and Internet Vulnerability: The underlying software application and software platform, along with other involved software, technology components, and platforms, may be susceptible to electronic or physical attacks that can impede the development, implementation, or usage of the System and/or Services. There are inherent risks involved in relying upon, engaging with, using, transmitting, or retrieving any data and/or content on the internet.

5.1.4. Tax Risk: The tax implications of using the System/Services may have repercussions at the Client's level; therefore, You should seek advice from Your own tax advisors regarding the tax consequences associated with the System/Services.

5.2. It is imperative for You to acknowledge that SMS/messaging and email services are susceptible to spoofing and phishing attacks. Exercise diligence and caution when reviewing messages purporting to originate from the Company. It is strongly advised that You consistently log into Your Account through the secure portal at https://marsproxies.com, utilize communication tools available within the System, or initiate contact with us via email by directing inquiries to the address [email protected] in instances where You harbor uncertainty regarding the authenticity of a communication or notice. It is noteworthy that phishing attacks commonly transpire notwithstanding SMS, email, or analogous services, through search engines, advertisements in search engines, or other deceitful links. The Company explicitly disclaims any responsibility for losses incurred as a result of spoofing, phishing, or other equivalent attacks.

6.1. Payments and refunds

6.1. The provision of Services may entail either a fee-based or free model, including, but not limited to, free-trial periods for a limited duration.

6.2. The Company retains the unilateral right, at its sole discretion, to determine the cost of Services, the duration of the price validity, applicable promotions and discounts, and other rules related to the payment for Services.

6.3. The most current and updated list of prices for each category of Services is accessible on the System. Prices and the features of any Services may be altered by the Company without prior notice. The Client is obligated to consistently review the System for the prevailing prices and features for each Service prior to placing an order.

6.4. If the Company provides free-trial and if the Client utilize Services on a free-trial basis, the right to use the Services shall be suspended upon the expiration of such trial until payment is made for the continued provision of the Service.

6.5. The Client may employ the "User balance" functionality on the System to cover payments for Services. The Company actively seeks convenient payment solutions, including expanding methods to deposit funds into the "User balance," with the current list of options available in the "Deposit" section of the System.

6.6. Subscription payments may be scheduled (automatically processed based on a set time period) or based on proxy/GB usage (automatically processed based on the quantity of proxy/GB used). The applicable principle is determined by the Company and indicated in the Service description for orders with a subscription payment option. The Client must express the intention to order the Service with a subscription payment method and retains the right to revoke such option in accordance with the rules applicable to the respective order. The Client must ensure that the payment details provided to the Company are valid and maintain a sufficient fund limit for the entire duration of the ordered subscription payment option.

6.7. Services provided by the Company typically follow one of the following fee structures:

6.7.1. A used proxy/GB basis (fee calculated based on the quantity of proxies ordered or GB used by the Client).

6.7.2. A one-time-order basis, granting the right to use a specific Service for a one-time payment over a predetermined period.

6.7.3. A monthly subscription payment basis, obligating the Client to regularly pay a fixed fee to receive the Service for a specified (ordered) duration.

6.8. The actual fee calculation method, payment process, service provision period, and fee charging frequency are delineated in the System and confirmed by the Client upon order confirmation.

6.9. Subscription fees and fees for continuous Services are non-cancelable and non-refundable.

6.9.1. An exception to this provision (6.9.) is if the Service is inactive or defective during the first 24 hours from purchase due to reasons beyond the Client's actions (e.g., technical failures in the System) and the Company is unable to promptly rectify the issue within the same 24-hour period. In such cases, the Client is entitled to a full refund for the purchased faulty Service, provided that the Company is promptly notified of the fault. In all cases, Client shall contact the Company as soon as possible after noticing the fault. In case Client contact the Company after the initial 24-hour term, it is presumed that the Services purchased by Client were free of defects and Client accepted the Service as satisfactory quality-wise.

6.10. Fees for Services are specified net of any withholding taxes or other taxes. The Client is responsible for paying any applicable taxes, levies, duties, or other fees, if applicable.

6.11. The Client affirms using and providing payment information that is owned by the Client or for which the Client has the right to use for the purposes outlined in this Agreement. The Client is required to update its payment information to ensure its continual accuracy.

6.12. Any claims related to the applied Services' fees or charged amounts must be submitted in writing within 3 months of the date of application of the fee or the charging of the amount.

6.13. Transactions may be processed through various payment providers and/or managed by various service providers. The Company utilizes services from the following providers: CoinGate (provided by Decentralized, UAB), Paddle (provided by Paddle.com Market Ltd.), Stripe (provided by Stripe, Inc.), Alipay (provided by Airwallex (Hong Kong) Limited).

7. Affiliate program and reselling of Services

7.1. The Company offers to participate in its Affiliate program, and the main and up-to-date details pertaining to the Affiliate program can be accessed at https://dashboard.marsproxies.com/affiliate and within the "Affiliate" section accessible when logged into the Client's Account.

7.2. Upon engaging in the Affiliate program, You explicitly acknowledge an understanding that affiliate marketing involves the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for promoting and marketing another person's or company's products. In this context, Your participation in the Company's Affiliate program deems You an affiliate marketing the Company's Services/System.

7.3. The principal objective of the Affiliate program is to promote the System/Services and attract new users of the Services (referred to as "New users").

7.4. While logged into Your Account, You have the capability to either copy a default affiliate link or create a custom affiliate link. Additionally, You can copy an affiliate banner from the "Affiliate" section.

7.4.1. The default affiliate link is automatically generated.

7.4.2. Custom affiliate link is generated using a custom name indicated by You. The length of the custom name can be limited as indicated in the “Affiliate” section. Your chosen custom name must not contravene any applicable laws, rules, other person's rights (e.g., unauthorized use of intellectual property rights), and generally accepted ethical standards.

7.4.3. The Company may furnish additional material/data, either specifically generated for You or utilized as general marketing material. It is imperative that You utilize such material strictly in accordance with the instructions provided by the Company.

7.4.4. The Company retains the right to eliminate or modify any of the options delineated in Clauses 7.4.1.-7.4.3., and may also introduce new options at its sole discretion without prior notification to the Client. As a Client, it is Your responsibility to consistently verify the availability and current options before utilizing any of the Affiliate program materials.

7.5. The Client, actively participating in the Affiliate program, is obligated to utilize the provided affiliate links, and if the Company provides - affiliate banners, and/or any other affiliate materials exclusively for promotional purposes. The dissemination and publication of Affiliate program materials by the Client are permissible to attract New users, subject to the Client's discretion and adherence to the regulations stipulated in this Agreement and as specified in the System.

7.5.1. The Client expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Client bears sole responsibility for the manner in which the Client employs affiliate materials. The Company does not exercise control over, nor influence, the actions of the Client, and accordingly, the Company shall not be held liable for any detriment arising from such actions.

7.5.2. It is incumbent upon the Client to consistently ensure that the sharing or publishing of affiliate materials complies with applicable laws, rules, and generally accepted ethical standards, and that such actions do not infringe upon the rights of other individuals or entities. The Client is prohibited from sharing/publishing affiliate materials through paid channels unless an alternative arrangement has been mutually agreed upon between the Client and the Company.

7.5.3. The Company underscores the significance of adhering to an honest marketing model and promoting fair market competition, asserting that these principles should consistently take precedence. The Client is encouraged to vigilantly verify that their actions align with these principles at all times.

7.5.4. The Client hereby acknowledges and agrees that the ensuing actions are expressly prohibited and constitute a material breach of the Agreement. The provided enumeration is non-exhaustive and encompasses only the most prevalent unfair and prohibited practices: Engaging in fraudulent activities to obtain material benefits, such as using stolen credit cards to generate revenue with the intent of acquiring rewards. Bidding on the MarsProxies trademark for paid search advertising. Utilizing affiliate materials in communication channels belonging to Company competitors, including but not limited to Reddit, Discord, forums, etc. To engage in unfair, aggressive, or misleading practices, which may involve creating and utilizing fictitious accounts, engaging in spamming, harassment, or bullying to induce the use of Services, employing pressure tactics through false "limited offer", campaigns, disseminating false information or omitting pertinent information, etc. Providing false information regarding applicable fees, promotions, discounts, or features of the Services, as well as falsely offering prizes or gifts. Representing oneself as a representative of the Company or as the Company itself. Involving children, including asking/encouraging them to promote the Services in any manner (e.g., sharing affiliate materials or requesting their parents, legal guardians, or any other individual to order Services on their behalf). To use dark or deceptive design patterns created to encourage, deceive, or guide the user into taking a specific action (e.g., inducing a sense of urgency through the use of counterfeit countdown timers). To hide affiliate materials as it is not with a purpose to attract New users (for example, by putting affiliate material into a game and making it seem like a part of that game). Generating fabricated consumer reviews or promoting advantages as special when the individual already possesses those rights in accordance with applicable law. Establishing pyramid schemes.

7.6. Any illegal or fraudulent activity, whether successful or not, that is intended to gain a material or monetary benefit, both resultative or not, as well as an attempt to act in an illegal or fraudulent manner shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. The Company will notify the appropriate law enforcement authorities and permanently ban from using the Services in any capacity.

7.7. Clients participating in the Affiliate Program are entitled to receive reward at the sole discretion of the Company. The most common form of reward is a percentage of each New User's order amount. Please review the current and applicable Affiliate Program rules and possible rewards before participating.

7.8. You are only entitled to receive reward only:

7.8.1. The New User is a natural person or legal entity that is not currently a System user and has not been a System user for more than 24 months.

7.8.2. The New User completes an order for the Services and pays for it in full.

7.9. Clients may withdraw their rewards or earnings (commissions) using the "Withdrawals" tool in the System while logged in to their account. All withdrawal rules, including payout limits, available currencies, etc., are published in the "Affiliate" section. Please review the applicable rules before proceeding with the withdrawal.

7.10. The System provides logged-in users with access to the following information:

7.10.1. Total reward (commission) amount earned.

7.10.2. Unpaid reward (commission) amount remaining.

7.10.3. Reward (commission) breakdown by period (e.g., daily, weekly).

7.10.4. Total number of New Users associated with the Client's Affiliate Program participation.

7.10.5. Click-through and earnings statistics.

7.11. The Company at its discretion, without prior notice reserves the right to modify the dashboard and displayed data for Clients participating in the Affiliate program.

7.12. The Client acknowledges and agrees that in the event of a breach of the Agreement, the Company retains the right to withhold rewards, thereby potentially depriving the Client of the entitlement to receive the reward (commission, earnings) either partially or in full. The Company has the unilateral discretion to determine whether to proceed with the withdrawal and to what extent, based on the nature of the Client's violation. The Client will be notified of such a decision via email.

7.13. If You encounter difficulties accessing the "Affiliate" section while logged into the System, experience issues with the generation or quality of affiliate materials, are uncertain about the permissible use of such materials, encounter obstacles in withdrawing Your rewards, or have any other inquiries related to the Affiliate program, You are encouraged to contact the Company through a popup chat box in the System or by sending an email to [email protected].

8. Third party and other disclaimers

8.1. The Company, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to utilize or grant access to third parties for the provision of services such as payment processing and user registration. The Client acknowledges and comprehends that, for the proper utilization of the System and the delivery of Services, their data may be disclosed to these third-party service providers. The primary service providers engaged by the Company can be reviewed in the Privacy Policy.

8.2. The utilization of third-party services is contingent upon the terms of service established by the respective third parties. It is incumbent upon the Client to be thoroughly acquainted with the terms of service or other regulations governing the use of third-party services. The Company is not authorized to modify these regulations. The Client acknowledges and comprehends that the Company is not accountable for the provision of such services or the data processing conducted by these third parties. Additionally, any disputes arising in connection with the services provided by third parties are to be resolved directly between the Client and the relevant third party.

8.3. Links on the System leading to third-party websites are provided for the Client's convenience. Accessing these links will redirect the Client outside the System. The Company neither endorses nor makes representations about such third-party websites, and it assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information, data, opinions, advice, or statements presented on those websites.

8.4. Information on the System, including the Blog section accessible at https://marsproxies.com/blog/, is not guaranteed to be accurate, current, or complete. The System may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Consequently, the Client is advised to verify the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decisions related to any Services, especially in cases of doubt.

9. Indemnification and Liability

9.1. Without affecting the other provisions established by the Company, in the event of a violation by the Client of the Agreement and (or) any other applicable policies of the Company and (or) applicable laws and regulations, the Client is responsible for any and all damages resulted from a breach. The Client agrees to compensate the Company for such damages upon the Company's demand.

9.2. The Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Company, its affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents against any and all claims, demands, and liabilities asserted by third parties, including reasonable attorney’s fees. Such claims may arise from:

9.2.1. the Client's breach of representations and warranties in this Agreement and (or) any other applicable policies of the Company, or

9.2.2. Client’s failure to comply with Client’s obligations under any and all laws, rules, or regulations applicable to Client under this Agreement and (or) any other applicable policies of the Company, except to the extent such violation arises out of Company’s failure to comply with Company’s obligations hereunder.

9.3. Your utilization of the Services / System is undertaken at Your own risk. You are expected to exercise due diligence, adhere to best practices, and take appropriate precautions to protect your own interests. Neither the Company, nor any of its parent entities, subsidiaries, or affiliates, nor any of their personnel, officers, or directors, shall assume liability for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential, or other damages (including, but not limited to, the loss of data or information of any nature, business interruption, lost profits, or any other form of damages) arising from or in connection with these terms or Your utilization or incapacity to utilize the Services / System, whether rooted in contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise, even if prior notice of such damages has been provided to the Company. Under no circumstances shall the liability of the Company arising from or related to this Agreement exceed an amount equivalent to 2 times the Client’s Services Fee for the month during which the loss or breach occurred (or another period if the Client will be billed more frequently than once a month, e.g., a two-week period). You recognize that the fees payable to the Company under this Agreement reflect the distribution of risk as outlined in the terms, and the Company would not have entered into the Agreement with You without the limitations on its liability set forth in this section.

9.4. Certain legal jurisdictions impose restrictions or may not permit the limitation of liability in contractual agreements. Consequently, the provisions outlined in this Section may not be applicable to You (in part or in full). In instances where legal restrictions on liability limitations are relevant, the liability of the Company shall be restricted to the maximum extent allowed by the specific applicable laws.

9.5. The System and the Services are provided "as is" and are used at Your own risk. You acknowledge that the Company, beyond what's explicitly stated in this Agreement, does not make or has made any representations or warranties regarding the System/Services. While the Company implements security measures to safeguard the Services/System, You understand that the internet has various risks. The Company disclaims liability for events such as contamination by internet viruses, cyberattacks, data breaches, or guarantees about data speed or volume. It’s Your responsibility to protect Your data, software, and equipment, when using the Services/System.

9.6. The Client may, at times, provide suggestions (feedback) to the Company. All suggestions are provided voluntarily, and the Client acknowledges that, even if marked as confidential, they do not impose any confidentiality obligation on the Company unless a separate written agreement is in place. The Company is free to use, disclose, reproduce, license, or distribute the suggestions without any obligation or restriction, unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement or a subsequent written agreement between the parties. The Client expressly agrees that the Company has a royalty-free, worldwide, transferable, sublicensable, irrevocable, perpetual license to use any suggestions, enhancement requests, recommendations, or other feedback provided by the Client, relating to the operation of the Services/System.

9.7. As a Client, it is Your sole responsibility to ensure Your ability to use the Services and access the System, including meeting hardware, software, and technical requirements (e.g., mobile data, internet connection). If You encounter compatibility issues, You may seek guidance in the Blog section of the System, also You can visit help center, or by contacting the Company via email at [email protected]. However, the Company is not obligated to provide solutions, advice, or instructions regarding compatibility.

10. Termination of the Agreement

10.1. The Company reserves the right to terminate or suspend Your Account and provision of Services in accordance with the provisions outlined in this Agreement and (or) any other applicable policies of the Company and (or) it is required to do so by law or competent authority. Without affecting the other provisions established by the Company, it is emphasized that a breach of this Agreement and (or) any other applicable policies of the Company and (or) applicable laws and regulations may lead to the suspension and/or deactivation of Your Account and may result in the termination of this Agreement. In the event of a breach, You shall not be entitled to any refunds or rewards. It is strongly advised that You carefully review the rules specified in Sections 3, 6, 9 and 10 before utilizing the System/Services.

10.2. Any party has the right to terminate this Agreement by terminating the Account. If the Account is terminated due to a violation of this Agreement and (or) any other applicable policies of the Company and (or) applicable laws and regulations, the Client shall not be entitled to any refunds or rewards upon termination.

10.3. Upon termination, Your right to use the Services will cease immediately. Termination of the Agreement shall not relieve the Client of the obligation to pay for the Services in full.

10.4. In the event of a material breach of this Agreement and (or) any other applicable policies of the Company and (or) applicable laws and regulations, the Company, at its sole discretion, may report the violation (including, but not limited to, the nature of the violation and the Client's personal data) to the relevant law enforcement authorities and impose a lifetime ban on the Client's use of the Services. If a lifetime ban is enforced, Your credentials (such as name, surname, IP address, email address) may be blocked from accessing the System/Services.

10.5. If You wish to terminate the Agreement, You can follow the procedure outlined in the "My profile" section of the System while logged into Your Account. Select the option "Delete account" to terminate Your Account without the possibility of renewal.

11. Governing Law and sanctions

11.1. This Agreement and Your usage of the Services/System shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Panama. Your usage of the Services/System may additionally be subject to other local, state, national, or international laws.

11.2. If allowed by relevant legal provisions, You consent to pursue claims against the Company only individually, and not as plaintiff or class member in any alleged class or representative action. Unless mutually agreed upon by both You and the Company, no arbitrator or judge shall consolidate claims from multiple individuals or preside over any form of representative or class proceeding.

11.3. In the event of any concern or dispute regarding the Services/System, You agree to initially seek an informal resolution by contacting the Company through email at [email protected].

11.4. The Company explicitly prohibits and disapproves of the use of its Services for any illicit activities, including but not limited to money laundering, terrorist financing, or trade sanctions violations, in accordance with the laws, regulations, and norms of various jurisdictions.

11.5. Due to the global nature of the IT sector, the System and Services are designed for global distribution and use. Consequently, the use of the System and Services may be subject to inclusion in sanction lists.

11.6. Each party commits to complying with all applicable anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, economic and trade sanctions, export controls, and other international trade laws, regulations, and governmental orders that directly or indirectly apply to the Services/System.

11.7. By using the System/Services, You affirm that You are not listed on any government-prohibited, denied, or unverified-party, sanctions, debarment, or exclusion list, or any export-controlled related restricted party list (referred to as the "Sanctions Lists").

11.8. Should You be placed on any Sanctions List, You are obligated to immediately cease Your use of the Services/System. Failure to comply may result in the suspension or termination of Your Account.

11.9. The Company reserves the right to restrict access to its Services in certain jurisdictions/territories. It also has the authority to block access from such locations, rendering its System/Services unavailable.

11.10. Individuals situated in prohibited jurisdictions or residents of such jurisdictions are prohibited from using the Services. It is clarified that the aforementioned restrictions on Services concerning prohibited jurisdictions equally apply to residents and citizens of other nations when situated in prohibited jurisdictions. Any attempt to circumvent these usage restrictions by individuals located (or residing) in prohibited jurisdictions constitutes a breach of this Agreement.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1. The Company and the Client mutually agree to utilize the English language for communication purposes. Any other language may be employed for the sake of simplicity. All notices or communications must be in the English language. The English language version of this Agreement prevails over any other potential version.

12.2. Any updates to this Agreement become effective immediately upon publication in the System, as specified in Clause 1. By utilizing the Services, You explicitly agree to be bound by any updated version of this Agreement.

12.3. It is recommended that You contact us through the means outlined in this Agreement. Sending an email to [email protected] is considered the primary method of communication.

12.4. The Company commits to responding to Your inquiries within 30 days, with the option of two 30-day extensions.

13. Contact information

13.1. The website is owned and operated by Comet Tech Inc. Company is registered in the Republic of Panama, under registration number 155734567, and our registered office is at Advanced Tower Building, First floor, Ricardo Arias Street, Panama City, Republic of Panama. Please contact us via email by sending Your message to [email protected] or by sending a letter to our registered address Advanced Tower Building, First floor, Ricardo Arias Street, Panama City, Republic of Panama.

13.2. For inquiries regarding Your data privacy: Please contact us via email by sending Your message to [email protected], or by sending us a letter to our registered address Advanced Tower Building, First floor, Ricardo Arias Street, Panama City, Republic of Panama.

13.3. Company value the trust that You place in us by using this website and our Services. For this reason, privacy and data security are extremely important to us and Company encourage You to use the assigned email address of our privacy team - [email protected] rather than using our general support email for all questions related to privacy matters, especially when Your message contains any information that could be considered as private.