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About Otto
Otto Group is a German multinational retail company that was founded in 1949. It is one of the world’s largest online retailers, focusing on fashion and lifestyle products. The company’s product offerings vary depending on the specific retail website. Some of the most popular categories include fashion for men, women, and children, as well as home goods, electronics, and sports equipment. In addition to its own branded products, Otto Group also sells products from well-known and popular brands such as Levi’s, Adidas, and Nike.
Why Do I Need Proxies for Otto?
If you know that a certain product is becoming available on the Otto website at a specific time and the supply is limited, proxies and bots can help you secure it before it gets out of stock. This is especially useful when it comes to limited-edition releases from popular sneaker brands that sell out within seconds. With proxies, you can even buy more than a single pair of limited-edition sneakers despite being limited to one per customer. Using IP addresses from different locations can help you locate potential discounts and special offers that may not be available in your region. Proxies can also help you to extract valuable data from the Otto site and use it to make well-informed business decisions.
Why Choose Our Proxies?
With hundreds of thousands of clean IP addresses from worldwide locations, MarsProxies is one of the most reliable proxy providers on the market.
All of our proxies are unbanned on most online stores, so you can use them on the Otto website without worrying about getting detected or blocked.
Our proxies are extremely reliable and secure because they are sourced transparently and ethically. On top of that, they support SOCKS5 connections, dual authentication, and sticky sessions for optimal security online.
Our proxies are compatible with almost all sneaker bots, so you can use them to cop sneakers on the Otto site without any hurdles. They are fast and private, meaning you will have all the bandwidth to yourself!
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How Otto Proxies Work?
Otto proxies are regular proxy servers that work with the Otto website. They function as a middleman between your device and the Otto site server, keeping your IP address and location anonymous. This way, you communicate with the Otto site server indirectly without exposing your online identity. Since one proxy equals one IP address and one online identity, using multiple proxies will make the site server think that multiple customers are placing orders on the site.
This can help you to avoid limitations such as one product-per-customer and get multiple products from the same limited-edition release. Using multiple proxies can also help you to hide your bot and snatch the latest pair of sneakers before others. And since you can choose the location of your proxy, you can make it appear as if you’re a customer from another region and identify discounts and special offers exclusive to that region.
Can I buy from Otto if I am in France?
Yes, you can purchase products from Otto Group if you are located in France. Otto Group operates several online retail sites, including, the French version of its flagship website,
Is it legal to order from Otto with proxies?
Using proxies is legal, but like most online retailers, Otto doesn’t support them. This is why it’s crucial that you choose reliable proxies from a reputable provider.