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How to Get Unbanned from OnlyFans

OnlyFans can be a great place to find exclusive content from your favorite creators or earn cash by sharing your own. This is why getting banned from the platform can feel like a real setback. Luckily, there’s a way to get around the ban and continue using OnlyFans as usual.

But before we discuss the best way to get around an OnlyFan ban, it’s crucial to understand the reasons behind it. This will help you avoid it so you can use the platform without interruptions.

Let’s start from the beginning.

Understanding IP Bans on OnlyFans

The first step to understanding IP bans on OnlyFans is to know what IP banning is. The next step is to know how the platform works. Only then will you truly understand what getting banned on OnlyFans means and most importantly, how to avoid it in the future.

Let's go.

IP Banning Overview

IP banning is a method of limiting access to specific websites, platforms, and apps to particular IP addresses. To make things clearer, an IP address identifies the user or their device, which is how platforms know exactly who to ban.

Platforms like OnlyFans use this technique to block access to people based on their geographic location, the activity associated with their IP address, and the reliability of their IP address.

You can see it as part of their security system, protecting their platforms and users from spam and malicious users.

OnlyFans Overview

OnlyFans is more than just a social media platform where you can see exclusive content from creators all over the world. It’s also a subscription-based platform that lets you make money by sharing your own.

As a content creator, you can protect your photos, videos, or posts with a paywall and monthly fee. Anyone interested in your content will have to pay to get access.

Another thing that sets OnlyFans apart is that you can’t find the creators’ exclusive content anywhere else. As a fan, it means paying before being able to view someone’s photos or video chat with them.

Causes of OnlyFans IP Bans

No matter if you’re an OnlyFans creator or fan, you may get an IP ban. This means you’ll no longer be able to access your account or use the platform altogether.

Here are the most common reasons for an OnlyFans IP ban.

Security Violations

With millions of registered users, OnlyFans takes security seriously. The platform has a system in place that bans IP addresses linked to suspicious activity. If the network security system detects a user that breaks the OnlyFans rules, it may ban their IP address or account.

Content Violations

Sharing inappropriate or illegal content on OnlyFans is not allowed. So, if the platform detects rude or hate speech or notices any scam or fraud activity, it’ll immediately punish the associated IP address or OnlyFans account with a ban.

This is one of the most common reasons for OnlyFans bans. If someone posts an image, video, music, or any other protected content they don’t own the rights to, they will most likely get an IP ban. In most cases, the original creator contacts the OnlyFans team to report the copyright infringement and ask for appropriate action.

Payment Methods Which Are Not Supported

OnlyFans accepts credit cards, debit cards, PayPal, and other payment options. However, using a method not allowed by the platform will trigger the OnlyFans’ security system, resulting in an IP ban. This way, the platform protects its users from potential fraud.


Spamming involves sending excessive content online when no one has asked for it. This can be instant or text messages, emails, or social media posts. Many platforms implement anti-spam measures that may block the associated account or IP address, and OnlyFans is no exception.

Violations of Terms of Service (TOS)

Users who violate the platform’s Terms of Service often get banned. This includes posting inappropriate content on their OnlyFans account, sending spam, or doing anything else that ruins the integrity of the website.

Malicious Activity

IP addresses associated with any malicious activity can get banned on the platform. This includes hacking into OnlyFans accounts, getting into the service without permission, or using automation tools to control the system.

How OnlyFans IP Bans Affect Users

Getting an OnlyFans IP ban can affect both fans and creators, but not in a good way. Let’s see how:

  • Loss of access

OnlyFans users who get IP banned for any reason can no longer access their account or the platform itself. This means they won’t be able to contact their favorite creator and view the desired content or upload content and connect with their fans.

  • Lost income

Not being able to access their account or the OnlyFans website can mean a loss of money for both fans and creators. Fans won’t be able to view the content they have already paid for, and creators will lose their source of income.

  • Reduced security

Users who are IP banned on OnlyFans aren’t able to access their accounts to protect their information. This makes their account information vulnerable to hackers and anyone with malicious intentions.

How to Get Around the OnlyFans Block?

Getting banned on OnlyFans can be really frustrating, no matter if you’re a content creator or a fan. Luckily, you have two options to get around the block, regardless of the reason behind it.

1. Contact the OnlyFans Support

If you think OnlyFans has banned your IP address by mistake or you have triggered their security system unintentionally, you can always seek help from the platform. Contact their customer support team and explain your situation so they can understand what really happened and how much that affects you.

2. Use Proxies

If contacting the support team doesn’t help you, you can try using reliable residential proxies. These servers have their own IP addresses obtained from real home online users that make you look like another OnlyFan user accessing the site from the desired location.

This means you can once again access the platform and open a new OnlyFans account from the same place and device. You’ll be able to view your favorite OnlyFans profiles or upload original content to promote as your potential source of income.

Residential proxy servers can also help you get on the platform in regions where it’s unavailable due to NSFW content. Using a proxy from a supported location will make it seem like you’re trying to access OnlyFans from that region.

This way, the platform will see you as a genuine resident of the selected country and will, therefore, give you access despite the existing geo-restrictions.

Similarly, if network administrators in certain organizations or institutions block access to OnlyFans, you can use residential or mobile proxies to bypass censorship and access the platform from anywhere.

Proxy addresses can also be useful if you’re trying to scrape data from the platform. They will hide the scraping tools or bots from the platform’s servers and allow you to get the data you need without restrictions in the form of bans, CAPTSHAs, or blocks.

ISP proxies can help you manage multiple OnlyFans accounts for market research. They will make it seem like all those accounts belong to different users in different locations, thus bypassing bans.

And if you’re just looking for a more private experience, reliable proxy servers can also help. They will let you access OnlyFans and contact creators via another IP address, keeping your true online identity hidden.

Proxies are easy to set up and use and are therefore considered a go-to option for anyone looking to get around an IP ban and continue using the desired platform from a new account.

Tips to Avoid Getting Banned on OnlyFans

While understanding the causes of an OnlyFans IP ban and the ways to get around it are useful, knowing how to avoid getting banned in the first place is even more beneficial.

Let’s dive into the best practices that will help you avoid an OnlyFans IP ban:

  • Read OnlyFans rules and guidelines to make sure you avoid any potential violations.
  • Don’t share your account with anyone else to avoid OnlyFans servers linking multiple IP addresses with one account.
  • Avoid anything that involves violence, hate speech, illegal substances, or harassment.
  • If you need to scrape data from OnlyFans, do it responsibly.
  • Use reliable proxies from a reputable provider to ensure maximum efficiency and anonymity.
  • Never share or request sensitive information from your fans.
  • Avoid shady activities such as impersonation or scamming.
  • Mind your language by avoiding OnlyFans-restricted words.
  • Make sure you own the rights to your OnlyFans content.

To Sum Up

OnlyFans is one of the most trending online platforms where people can earn by sharing their original content with fans. Whether you want to be a creator or just a fan, you must have an account to use the platform.

Just like any other similar platform, OnlyFans can get your account or IP banned if you don’t follow its rules and guidelines. However, sometimes, it can also ban IPs by mistake. Regardless of the reason behind your OnlyFans IP ban, reliable proxies allow you to open a new account and continue using the platform as before.


Can my IP be tracked on OnlyFans?

Yes, OnlyFans, like many online platforms, can track users' IP addresses. This is commonly used for security purposes, such as identifying and preventing unauthorized access, detecting suspicious activity, and enforcing platform rules. If you want to access and use the platform anonymously, you can use a reliable proxy service that will give you a new online identity.

How do I change my IP address on OnlyFans?

You can change it by using a proxy server. The proxy will assign a new IP address to your device, allowing you to use the platform as a new user from a location of your choice.

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